Friday, June 3, 2011

The weeks fly by!

No post for a week! It's been a busy week. Visit with the aunts and cousins on Monday, doctor & chiropractor appointments on Tuesday, shopping on Wednesday, playgroup on Thursday and some photos on Friday (today). And lots of naps in there too. I need to thank the universe that naps haven't been a struggle lately- and I've gotten a few in myself! That, and Toby is sleeping through the night again. It's like a switch flipped and we're back to where we were in February. It's so strange, I wonder what caused his 3.5 month sleep nightmare. Reflux? Teething? Hunger? (in the last 2 months he gained 4.5 lbs and only .5") Whatever it was I hope it is over forever.

Toby is 20.9 lbs now and just about 28". At the same age (minus 3 days) Willow was 20.75 lbs and half and inch shorter. I compare them alot, but just for interest's sake. They are such different kids it amazes me. Willow was much quicker to roll over and sit up, but Toby was smiling and babbling first. Willow first commando crawled at 6 months- but it was another 2 months before she crawled on her knees. Toby is up on his knees already, not moving but rocking back and forth. Hates being on his tummy so I can't see him ever commando crawling. I look at Willow's baby book and I can see what is to come- crawling, pulling up, standing without support, walking.... I can't believe it goes so quickly. They are also different in their sleeping, eating, and nursing habits. Toby is very sociable and laughs and smiles all the time. Willow was always pretty shy and wouldn't interact too much with other people. Here are some of the photos from today. I was photographing my nephew Tyler (2 months) so we played around a bit before they arrived. They love each other so much- I think it's evident in these pictures.

Toby on his best behavior

I get this face often

Tyler and Toby in matching outfits. Ty is just over 2 months old, Toby is 6.5 months. These two are going to be trouble!


  1. Absolutely beautiful!

    I totally compare too...but just out of curiosity. I just find it so amazing that I can produce such different babies. Night and day!

    I only hope Presley will catch up with Toby. She was sleeping through the night and hasn't for quite awhile. I miss it!

  2. hehe - Toby is the same size Maddy was at a year! Love the shot where Willow is kissing Toby's hand.
