Friday, June 24, 2011

Baby Sign Language

Toby signed his first word!

I started signing milk, more, and sister just less than 2 weeks ago. I made up a version of sister that is specific for Willow. Your hand looks like a "W" and you drag your thumb down your jawline. I do it when I say either sister or Willow to Toby. I've been most consistent with Milk- it's the easiest to remember to do when it's just us as he nurses.

The last few days I've noticed him really looking at his hands. He moves them around and wiggles his fingers, very interested. I didn't think too much of it, thinking it was too early to expect him to be trying to sign.

So this morning I was a bit late getting him to nap and he was cranky. I laid him down to change his diaper and he did it. Open, close, open, close the fist. Thought, "did I just see milk? No, couldn't have been!". Changed the diaper, brought him to my bed where he naps. Laid him down and again, "milk". It's awesome! I never expected it after just 2 weeks. I'm as thrilled as if he just said his first word!

I decided to start signing to Toby when I started noticing the toddler boys at playgroup. There are 2 that are almost 2 and aren't vocal. I see them get upset when they want something, as their mom tries to decipher the whines and grunts. I hope Toby won't be a late talker, but if he is I hope he can use signs to tell me what he needs.

I guess this means I should get on doing some more signing. I know a few more but I'd better brush up and learn some new words. The dictionary I'm using is here.

1 comment:

  1. That is SO exciting! We signed a lot with Samara right from the start but poor Presley, 2nd child...we haven't been doing it. We keep saying we have to start. You've motivated me!
