Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Well, it's been awhile, busy busy around here.  And another birthday snuck up on us- Toby is 2!  He was so happy all day today.  Unfortunately I had to work but there were no tears at the morning drop off.  We had a quiet family dinner tonight with Toby's favorite- spaghetti, and blueberry birthday cake.  We got him a new pillow, duvet and bedding for his special day- we'll see if it helps him stay in bed all night!

On his 2nd birthday, Toby is:
  • 32 lbs and just shy of 35" tall- an inch taller than his sister was at the same age.  Wears mostly size 3 clothes, but some size 2 or 18m pants. 
  • Mostly potty trained.  For two months he's been a rock star, pees, poops, nightime.  Just in the last week he's had quite a few accidents, a bit of a  regression I guess.  Woke up dry this morning for the first time in a week and had no accidents today!
  • As sweet as ever.  He really is a gentle soul- sensitive, quiet, thoughtful.  And funny, energetic, and loud too.  
  • Still waking up several times at night.  Yawn, I really hope this stops soon! 
  • Teething again.  Just popped his 3rd two-year molar....  only one more to go.  Maybe he'll start sleeping better when teething is over with.
Toby loves:
  • Playing with Willow!  She directs him in all kinds of imaginative play; picnics, doggies, restaurant.
  • Anything that moves.  Trains especially.  I'm convinced boys are wired to be drawn to things with wheels, and all things that go.
  • Sweets!  I dread giving him treats.  His reaction when I don't give him more is very dramatic.  He screams and cries for "more treats, mooooooore.  please?  Mummy, pleeease" and then the temper tantrum starts.  His tantrums are intense and there is no reasoning with him.  It's usually easier to skip the treat all together. 
  • Dora the Explorer.  He loves the show, thinks Boots is the greatest ever.  And Swiper.
  • Singing, dancing, music, being outside, playing the piano, bouncing on his bed.
Toby Can:
  • Count to 10.
  • Identify most colours correctly.  Gets tripped up on red/green/yellow.
  • Remember the words to his favorite books and songs and will read/sing along with me.
  • Melt my heart!  He is generous with I Love You's and tells me at the best times.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First day of Preschool!

Today was Willow's preschool orientation day! It went well, she reluctantly participated during circle time, and she played independently with one of the teachers. She seems excited about the whole thing but I wonder what she will think next week when she goes by herself! She was so funny in the car on the way home. She said "how can that place be so small, and so big?" I asked her what she meant, and she told me that when her and I went to the school to meet the teacher and check the place out, it looked small.  But today, with 16 kids and parents it looked really, really big.  With all of those scary people there she felt very small and intimidated.  I can totally relate to her, I'd be the same way, am the same way, when thrown into an unfamiliar social environment.  I really hope this is a good experience for her that prepares her for school and makes her more comfortable with other kids.

Willow after her first school session.  I think she liked it!

Monday, August 27, 2012


I  really need to make more of an effort to play music.  We listen to music in the car, and a couple of times a week but we're not in the habit of having music playing while we do other things in the house.   It's something I should work on because these kids respond so well to music.

Willow will listen in the car and pick out instruments, and the number of singers, things like that.  She'll notice when she hears a voice she really likes.  She likes to know the names of songs and artists.  Toby has always been a good dancer and now has started to sing.  He mashes together all of the lullaby's he knows, he'll hum and mumble along to a song on the radio or try to sing along with me.

I took them to see some live music at the folk festival this past weekend.  They loved it.  They watched and listened, danced and sang.  Willow, who will barely dance in front of me in our living room was asking me to dance with her in front of the stage - and a hundred people or so.  We met friends there and the kids played like they never have before- I can't help but think the music and atmosphere there brought them together.

I'm looking forward to having them in piano lessons in a couple of years- and then having them choose from there which instrument they'd like to play.  I wish I'd gone further in my study of music- not necessarily piano though.  I hope to give them that option and have them find something they can get really enjoy.

As much as I wish I had some photos to remember the day- I'm glad I wasn't preoccupied with the camera.  I took it all in and had some really special moments with the kids.  At one point we were looking at the moon in the blue sky, and Willow pointed up as a flock of geese flew overhead in perfect V formation.  We laid down on our backs on the grass and watched the geese, as we listened to the band play.  What an amazing day.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Conversations of Toddlers

On the deck, playing make believe.............

Willow:  Toby, where do you live?  Where is your house?
Toby:  Here.
Willow:  No, is it close. or far away?
Toby:  Away, here.
Willow:  NO, is it far away, or is it close?
Toby:  Close.
Willow:  OK, so where is your microwave?  Your fridge?  Where is your fridge, is it close, or far  away?
Toby:  Away.
Willow:  Toby, it's in your house.  How is your house close, but your fridge is far away?  Your fridge is right here, you silly boy.

In the car.............

Willow:  I'm thirsty, I want some cold water from the fridge when we get home.
Toby:  Water, too.
Willow:  Do you want cold water Tobe?
Toby:  Cold water.
Willow:  Water from the fridge Tobe?
Toby:  Fridge, water.
Willow:  No Toby, do you want cold water from the fridge?
Toby:  Cold fridge water.
Willow:  MOM!  Toby wants cold water from the fridge when we get home!!!

These two crack me up.  Just ordinary, everyday, gold.  This is the stuff I want to remember.  I love that Willow is learning to play with Toby and teach him things, and she is helping him with his vocabulary.  I love that he plays along so well, looking up to her and wanting to play whatever game she invents.  They just get along so well- when they aren't biting or hitting or stealing toys.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

19 months, 7 days.......


19 months, 7 days ago.......

19 months, 7 days before that......

I can't easily explain why today is such a significant day for me.  Today Toby is exactly the same age as Willow was, when he was born.  It marks the passing of time- brings me back to Willow at that time.  It seems so long ago..... yet, like it was yesterday.  I've been thinking that Toby seems a lot younger than Willow seemed then.  But looking back at those chubby cheeks, how small she looks I think I'm wrong.  Now I have a big 3 year old to compare Toby to, so he still seems like a baby.  SLOW. DOWN. TIME.  In 19 months and 7 days from now, Toby will be 3 years 2 months and 14 days old!

Friday, June 15, 2012


I can't resist taking comparison photos- here are the kids at the zoo sitting on the bench beside the elephant exhibit- in June 2011, and again this week- June 2012.  They are getting so big!


Friday, June 1, 2012

Dear Toby (My big boy!)

Dear Toby,

Last weekend you decided you didn't need my milk anymore.  It was Thursday when I noticed you hadn't asked for it.  Friday I did not offer.  And that was all.  I'm sad, and relieved, and proud and terrified.  You're not a baby anymore and that makes me sad.   I'm glad you're getting big, becoming independent and not needing me so much.  I hope soon you won't need me to fall back to sleep at night.  Please?

I'm so proud of you!
Love Mama

P.S.  I took me a week to write this, I was a blubbering emotional mess and just couldn't manage!

Monday, May 14, 2012

18 Months!

It seems like just yesterday I was writing this post.   It was a year ago.

Today, Toby is becoming a boy; a silly, handsome, affectionate little dude.  His favorite things are playing with his sister, dancing to anything with a good beat, watching cars/trucks/buses/planes.... anything that moves.  He is quiet but social.  He's always smiling, busy, watching, curious.  He likes to climb, run, move, copy everything that Willow does.

Toby is becoming more verbal everyday.  He will copy anything I say and sometimes it sounds nothing like the words I said but the syllables and annotation are right on.  He is just beginning to put words together- there you go! is a favourite phrase.  He can name most of his body parts and knows quite a few animal sounds.  He likes to refer to animals by their sound before their name.  The way he is learning to speak is so much different than how Willow did it.  She wouldn't say a word until she knew it would come out perfect.  Toby likes to experiment with sound, practice words, play with noises.   He is slower to speak than Willow was (she was talking full on sentences, conversations at this age) but his non verbal communication is good.  He can be clingy and whiny, especially when tired, I think this comes from his lack of communication.

I don't ever want to forget that when I pick him up his right hand finds the hair at the back of my head, and his left thumb goes in his mouth.   He rarely sucks his thumb at any other time (besides sleep).   I love love love when he grabs my face and pushes it into his, nose to nose and scrunches up his face.  I think he's saying "I love you!".  And the sweetest look of surprise when he hears something new, when a door opens,  or when he's about to get a treat.

This morning Toby ran to wake me up and told me "bird! bird!"  I opened my eyes and we listened to the birds.  "Chirp! Chirp!" he said with the biggest smile on his face.  I love this age and don't want to forget a moment.

Friday, April 13, 2012

What they're saying, April 13 2012

Willow: Daddy took my booger with him to work today.

Me: Why would Daddy take your booger to work?

Willow: Because I wiped it on his shoulder.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wordless Wednesday (My baby is 3!!!)

in her special birthday shirt.

excited to open her bubbles from mom and dad.

not impressed with the attention when it was time
to blow out the candles.... she needed a little help from mom.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I missed March

I didn't post a single thing in March. Bad! I promise to try really hard to do better this month. I should at least have some birthday photos to post after this weekend!

After 1 week of perfect health in this house (the first since Christmas)..... we're sick again. James and Toby have a cold and it's only a matter of time before Willow and I get it. I just hope she's not too sick on her birthday this year.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dear Toby (the car enthusiast)

Dear Toby,

It is completely adorable that a car driving by our house excites you. You breath hard, point, say "ah-ah-ah" and want us to pick you up to carry you to the window to look out. You are unbelievably cute. But, we can't do this for you every time a car goes by! The way you cry, real tears streaming when we don't oblige you breaks our hearts. It's just not possible with dinner cooking and other things going on. Not only that, but 9 times out of 10 by the time we get to the window the car is long gone!

I'm amazed every day how your nature is all boy. You are attracted to all things that move!


Monday, February 13, 2012


These kids won't let me take their picture. I want to be photographing them all the time- documenting their childhood, practicing for my business....... but they won't let it happen. Toby tries to grab my camera, and when I won't let him have it I get this face:

And Willow covers her face, but if I try to coax her or move the pillow she's hiding behind I get this face:

And this is why there are huge gaps in the photo collection of my kids. They go through stages where they want nothing to do with me with my camera. And then, they're OK with it for awhile. I hope this phase is over soon.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cute things, Funny things, Silly Things

Toby shakes his head no now. In response to anything that sounds like a question. At first he was getting it right, but now he's just being silly with it! He shakes to questions, but also statements. Like 'You sweet boy!" he shakes his head like crazy with a sneaky grin on his face.

Willow is obsessed with Birthdays. She always asks me who's birthday is next, and we go through all of the birthdays until we get to hers. Sometimes we go a month further until we get to James' and mine. She knows exactly what kind of birthday cake she wants, down to the last detail. It's cute.

These photos of the kids crack me up. Taken one after another- check out the noses!
They have the same scrunchy nose. Willow tries to do her camera face.

Toby is hilarious at the library. He loves it, takes books off the shelf one by one, puts them on the table. Today James was across the library and Toby would pick the biggest book, and running with it to Dad, saying "Dad! Dad!" He was dragging the book it was so heavy. I can't keep up with him, he gets books out as fast as I can put them back. He comes completely out of his shell, and acts like he's at the playground, not the library. I guess this doesn't sound too funny, but to be there, it is!

What is with the almost-3-year-old attitude? Sometimes I ask her a question and she has this look on her face that reminds me of the 15 year old me. Where do they learn that? I think I'm in trouble when she gets to be 15! Silly girl.

Toby loves playing in his curtains. He hides behind them, and then crawls out from under them and says "bbboooooo". So cute. Almost as cute as asking him where his belly is- he pulls up his shirt and tickles himself, saying 'ticky ticky ticky'.

Willow has discovered the joy of reading by herself. It's great for us because she doesn't spend much time in independent play. But its too bad that the only time she wants to read is before bed. We put her to bed the other night and left her to read to herself, forgetting to check on her. An hour and a half later she was sitting in bed, eyes tired and red, a stack of 20 books beside her!

Toby loves to brush his teeth. And by brushing his teeth I mean using his
toothbrush to drink water from the tap. He wants to do it multiple times a
day, for 10 minutes each time.

Toby loves cars. He loves to play with toy cars, and watch the cars out the window. One goes by our house every 15 minutes or so. Every time he sees one he says "OooooHHH!" And makes sure to repeat it and point to the window until everyone has acknowledged that a car has gone by. It's so sweet! And goes to show the nature of boys- I can't believe how in to cars and machines he is even though he was never taught or encouraged to be that way.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mo-mo Fairy- YAY!

I'm so happy to say that the soother is gone! For weeks every night before bed I asked Willow if she was ready for the mo-mo fairy to take her pacifier and replace it with toys, candy and money (this is what Willow decided the fairy would leave her).

2 Thursdays ago, after bedtime stories I repeated "Hey Willow, I have an idea, why don't we put mo-mo under your pillow for the mo-mo fairy?".
"No," she answered, "on Thursday".
"It is Thursday honey".
"Oh, OK" she said and kissed her soother and placed in under her pillow. Really? Yay! That was easy! (but took several weeks)

3 or 4 days, a bit of whining, a bit of protest, some change in routine and we're fine. When she naps it has to be in my bed, watching cartoons to distract her. We put a little light on her wall beside the bed that she can turn on and off- so she can read books by herself before she falls asleep at night. Business as usual. She loooovves her new teddy bear, a soft little guy the mo-mo fairy left her. She's never been attached to dolls or stuffies, so I'm thrilled.

Willow and Teddy, or Mo as he's sometimes called.

Now, to tackle night-weaning Toby!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

What they're saying, January 2012

  • Mom- "Maaaaahm! Maaaaahm!" when he wants my attention NOW, or at almost a whisper, when it's not so urgent, "mom, mom, mom".
  • Dad- all sing songy, "Da-ahd, Daaaa-hdd" Dad looks at him, he smiles, Dad looks away "Da-ahd...."
  • Apple- It was so funny when he was learning to say apple. Willow taught him, and they would repeat it back to each other as Toby perfected the pronunciation
  • Ball
  • Bib
  • Hot
  • Vrrroooommmm (driving cars and trains around)
  • Night Night
  • I-O is Willow. Melts my heart when he says it! So sweet.
  • Uh-Oh
  • Five (for high five, in his wispy voice says five? five? and holds up his hand)
He's getting pretty good at communicating in other ways too- he points and grunts a lot, he opens his mouth so wide that he can't even open his eyes when he wants a bite of food or a drink, nearly rips the neck of my shirt when he wants milk and the latest : shaking his head no. He shakes no A LOT.


  • 2 more minutes! - when she doesn't want to leave what she's doing, or go to bed she just wants "2 more minutes!".
  • People she really likes are her cousins. If they are not really her cousins, I correct her and tell her that they are friends. And then she calls her cousins her friends.
  • She's figuring out words for feelings lately. I keep hearing "you're hurting my feelings" or "you're making me feel sad" when I tell her no, you have to clean up your blocks first, or it's time for a nap etc. I'm also hearing "I love you" a lot. I love you mom, I love you Toby, I love the Backyardigans (cartoon)