Thursday, June 21, 2012

19 months, 7 days.......


19 months, 7 days ago.......

19 months, 7 days before that......

I can't easily explain why today is such a significant day for me.  Today Toby is exactly the same age as Willow was, when he was born.  It marks the passing of time- brings me back to Willow at that time.  It seems so long ago..... yet, like it was yesterday.  I've been thinking that Toby seems a lot younger than Willow seemed then.  But looking back at those chubby cheeks, how small she looks I think I'm wrong.  Now I have a big 3 year old to compare Toby to, so he still seems like a baby.  SLOW. DOWN. TIME.  In 19 months and 7 days from now, Toby will be 3 years 2 months and 14 days old!

Friday, June 15, 2012


I can't resist taking comparison photos- here are the kids at the zoo sitting on the bench beside the elephant exhibit- in June 2011, and again this week- June 2012.  They are getting so big!


Friday, June 1, 2012

Dear Toby (My big boy!)

Dear Toby,

Last weekend you decided you didn't need my milk anymore.  It was Thursday when I noticed you hadn't asked for it.  Friday I did not offer.  And that was all.  I'm sad, and relieved, and proud and terrified.  You're not a baby anymore and that makes me sad.   I'm glad you're getting big, becoming independent and not needing me so much.  I hope soon you won't need me to fall back to sleep at night.  Please?

I'm so proud of you!
Love Mama

P.S.  I took me a week to write this, I was a blubbering emotional mess and just couldn't manage!