Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What they're saying

Willow, 26 months: "Willow wants some water please mum." She often uses incorrect pronouns. "Willow" instead of I. Also "you" instead of me, "my" instead of I.

She's copying what we say, trying to figure out how to use words. I try really hard now to use proper speech- no more baby talk. She speaks very well for her age I think, expressing wants and needs and actions as well as complex ideas like dreams and imaginative things. Lately she just chatters constantly, being silly and laughing at herself, and telling Toby what she is doing. In the car, she chatters away. She'll see cows and say "Hi Cows. Look Toby, cows! There is a baby one, and a mommy one, and a daddy one...." Today she was telling me she was looking for sheep so we could stop and pet them because she wants to feel how soft they are. We have never, by the way, seen sheep in our area! I don't think she's seen a sheep in real life.

She is now calling Toby, Toby. When he was born it was Obe, that became Tobe, and finally Toby.

She has several books of opposites, and loves them all. She is pretty good at identifying opposites- hot/cold, winter/summer, big/small, wet/dry. I don't know if she is just copying what's in the books or if she really understands the concept.

When she sees something that matches or is the same colour/shape etc., she gets excited. "I have same!" she'll say, holding both items. "Willow have same!" I'll have to record more willowspeak as I think of it- I just adore it!

Toby, 7 months: yahyahyahayh. rhahrhahrhah. dadadada. mamamamama.

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