Friday, May 27, 2011


I love my cloth diapers. I just had to take this photo because I am selling my small sized diapers. Toby has outgrown them but I feel sentimental about them.
I am surprisingly sad about it. I guess it might not be so surprising to another cloth diapering mom. There is something about cloth that is addicting. Some are addicted to constantly buying and selling but I don't see the point in that- I've never sold, only bought. The reasons I use cloth: 1)The environment. 2)It saves money. 3)They look super cute. Sure clothes don't fit as well, but I've come to love the big fluffy butt. It's great that Willow is daytime potty trained and I don't have her diapers to change and wash- but I do miss the butt. And now her pants always fall down!

Here is the stash rundown (minus several that are in the wash, and a few Applecheeks that were sent back for elastic replacement).
From top left: a contoured and a few flats, PUL covers, wool covers, cloth wipes warmer. Size 1 fuzzibunz, Medium Monkey Doodlez, size 1 applecheeks and a Happy Heinys small, Baby Kangas OS. Size 2 Applecheeks (an green AMP in there too), Motherease AIO, Bububebe fitted, Berryplush minky, Kawai cow print minky, Bumgenius 3.0, Goodmama fitted, sustainablebabyish fitteds, some cloth trainers- superundies and blueberrys, and Motherease OS fitteds. And a bit of my fab hanging 'groovy guitars' wet bag. Now I wish I'd waited till they were all clean- there are a couple of beautiful fitted diapers of Willow's that were in the wash. Ah well.

It's silly I know, but I'll miss them all when they are gone.

1 comment:

  1. Sammy's pants are ridiculous now that she doesn't have a big bum. I can't find anything except ugly leggings that actually stay on properly!

    P is still in her XS FB and they are seriously the sweetest things ever! I may keep them just for doll diapers!
