Sunday, August 7, 2011

28 months

Willow is 28 months old, 2 1/3 years old, 2.3333 years old.

Her manners are impressive for a 2 year old. She says please and thank you for everything, and "Yes Mom!" or "OK mom!". She still throws a tantrum here and there, but mostly she's just a joy to be around.

Loves the slide!

Bed and nap time are a breeze lately- especially since 'mo-mo' has been sleeping during the day. Willow is so excited and happy to be reunited with Mo-mo that she loves going to bed. As I leave her rooms she squeals "Love you Mom! See you when I wake up!". It makes up for the years of bed-time battles. There is usually still one or two wakeups during the night, usually for a drink of water. We've tried giving her a full sippy cup for her dolly to hold until she's thirsty- but she drinks it all right away. She's been giving signs of readiness to nighttime potty train. Sometimes she'll get up soon after going to bed to pee, and usually runs from her room in the morning right to the washroom. She is dry 90% of the time after naps, and about half the time in the morning.

Willow watches kids at the fair, instead of the animals.

Not so sure about the pigs. Lately she crosses her arms in her shy defensive stance.

I hope her shyness eases up soon. She loves being out, especially around other kids but she is too frightened to play with them. After an hour or so she ventures out a bit but usually plays by herself. She is quite observant and knows what is happening with everyone all the time. The other day at the chiropractor she took a boys car (I had no idea, I thought it was an office toy). She played with it for awhile, until the boy was leaving. She grabbed my hand and ran after him to give it back. She was super shy and wouldn't even look at him as she held the car out, but I was impressed with her gesture as well as her awareness that it was his.

Keeping an eye on the other kids as she finger paints at Playgroup.

Watching the kids play at her cousins birthday party.

Willow's favorite toys lately are arts and crafts. She loves her water colour paints. She colours, paints with water and loves play doh. She just got some construction paper with scissors and glue and spent all morning cutting paper into small bits. She also loves the sand box, helping me garden and digging in dirt. I love that she loves getting dirty outside but also twirls when she has a pretty skirt on. She's girly by nature, but isn't afraid to get dirty to have fun.


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  1. Hi there! Just stopping by to let you know that YOU won the Mailbox Magazine giveaway! Email me your contact info (full name and address) and I'll put it in the mail asap! (
