I love my cloth diapers. I just had to take this photo because I am selling my small sized diapers. Toby has outgrown them but I feel sentimental about them. I am surprisingly sad about it. I guess it might not be so surprising to another cloth diapering mom. There is something about cloth that is addicting. Some are addicted to constantly buying and selling but I don't see the point in that- I've never sold, only bought. The reasons I use cloth: 1)The environment. 2)It saves money. 3)They look super cute. Sure clothes don't fit as well, but I've come to love the big fluffy butt. It's great that Willow is daytime potty trained and I don't have her diapers to change and wash- but I do miss the butt. And now her pants always fall down!
Here is the stash rundown (minus several that are in the wash, and a few Applecheeks that were sent back for elastic replacement).
From top left: a contoured and a few flats, PUL covers, wool covers, cloth wipes warmer. Size 1 fuzzibunz, Medium Monkey Doodlez, size 1 applecheeks and a Happy Heinys small, Baby Kangas OS. Size 2 Applecheeks (an green AMP in there too), Motherease AIO, Bububebe fitted, Berryplush minky, Kawai cow print minky, Bumgenius 3.0, Goodmama fitted, sustainablebabyish fitteds, some cloth trainers- superundies and blueberrys, and Motherease OS fitteds. And a bit of my fab hanging 'groovy guitars' wet bag. Now I wish I'd waited till they were all clean- there are a couple of beautiful fitted diapers of Willow's that were in the wash. Ah well.
It's silly I know, but I'll miss them all when they are gone.
Today is my 29th birthday. Since my kids were born I think of my own birthday a lot differently. It used to be "my" day, a day for me to be selfish. Now I think more about my own mom, and her giving-birth day. May 22nd was the first day of my life, but also the day she brought life to this world. It's gotta be just as important to her.
My kids birthdays are like that for me. I'd even say their birth dates are more important to me than my own. They are days that I think of often and will never forget. The day of my birth.... I don't remember so much. And now that I'm a mom, it's just another day. Though it certainly warmed my heart when Willow said "Happy Birfday Mom" this morning. Even if she did follow it by asking for cake. :)
If my life was a movie right now it would be titled "Teething Nightmare, Part 2: Toby's Turn". Willow had a really hard time with teeth; they took forever to come through, once they did they grew so slowly that the gums grew back over.... it was a slow, painful process. Toby has been teething for 2-3 months now. I can feel the tooth but it's not through yet. The last few nights have been especially difficult- for both of us. He's waking hourly and not falling back to sleep easily. I complain about sleep alot (c'mon, I haven't had more than 3 or 4 hours in a row for more than 2 years!) but this is ridiculous. When the sleep bank is already so overdrawn, a few 2 hour nights in a row feels like death. Ugh.
I'm waiting for Willow's 2 year molars now. They are due. Teeth could be the reason her temperatures been up lately. Maybe even the whining that I attribute to the "terrible two's". Her eye teeth took 6 months to make their appearance, finishing up just before her 2nd birthday. I'm looking forward to the days when all the teeth are in and we have one less thing to interrupt our sleep. Though I'll miss the toothless grins. Here is toothless Willow, about 7 months old.
I'd heard many times how fast time goes when you have kids. I had no idea how fast. I've been meaning to start this blog for months (years?) to document the funny, sweet and everyday things my kids do. My memory is already starting to fade- I'm so afraid I'll forget it all.

Toby is 6 months old today. Half a year. 35x more and he'll be 18. He's sitting well. Just starting to eat solid food. Loves to grab my hair on either side of my head and pull my face towards him so he can suck on my chin. I call it baby kisses. His first tooth is about to come through I think. He's a chatter box, more than Willow ever was. He ooohs and cooooos and does this funny "ah-hah!" laugh. He giggles hysterically when his sister laughs. And he has the sweetest dimples ever.