Well, Christmas is over. We had tons of fun, lots of visiting, dinners, presents. I get a fail on capturing the Christmas memories.... I barely touched my camera. I think so much photo work in the last couple of months turned me away from photographing my own kids. I'll have to make some New Years resolutions.
Willow was completely thrilled with her wooden doll house. She doesn't play with it very much- but will rearrange things a few times a day, setting the dolls up with a new activity. Her favorite thing for them to do is use the potty and watch TV. Toby didn't really understand why we were acting so silly around Christmas, but enjoyed saying "riiiippppp" as he opened his gifts.

On Christmas Eve Willow made a card for Santa. She decorated the front and inside wrote the gifts she would like (a new rubber ducky and a mommy doll). We left him a couple of Gingerbread Softies and cranberry juice. She insisted on leaving it all right in front of the tree, to make sure he saw it.
Here are the only Christmas photos I took, all on Christmas morning.
Willow enjoyed everyone else's gifts as much as her own.Toby, just as happy playing with old toys.
Willow loves her new housecoat.
Love the Candy Cane Christmas jammies.Toby got 3 teeth for Christmas! One molar just before, one on Christmas day and one a couple of days later. Still one to go, probably in the next week. And now just a few days left to get back on our schedule. Kids are staying up much too late and sleeping in (that part I don't mind). We'll all be in shock next week when we're back to work.