Saturday, October 8, 2011

Dear Willow (The 2 1/2 year old!)

Dear Willow,

You are 30 months old now! You are 35.5" tall, and weigh about 29 lbs. You eat pretty well, healthy stuff like the rest of us, you wake up a couple of times a night still, and keep us on our toes at bedtime. You like to get out of bed repeatedly for an hour or so- this is new. You wear diapers at bedtime only, and wake up dry often. Night time potty training isn't far away. You use a pacifier, "mo-mo" at bedtime too. You're showing signs that you're not so dependent on it now, so I hope you wean yourself from it.

You are a sweet, sweet girl, with typical 'terrible two's', and some jealously towards your brother. Now that he is walking and getting into your things, you get angry with him, push him down, scratch his face. It's very sad for me and I'm working on helping you with it. We'll find a solution soon I hope. Your tantrums have returned- you need things done in a particular way, at a particular time. Asserting your independence- normal two year old stuff.

You are sensitive, emotional, happy. You're in the best mood in the mornings normally, and after you have a bath or shower. You squeal and giggle and make everyone smile. Toby laughs hysterically when you are like this, he likes it a lot. When we are out, or with unfamiliar people you are very shy. It's getting a bit easier for you- as we go regularly to library programs/playgroups you get used to it, and begin participating. You are really pretty. People stop me and tell me that you look like Shiloh Jolie Pitt all the time. Or they tell me " Oh, you're in trouble, with those big pouty lips". I think you look much like Daddy when he was your age. Something reminds me of a younger me too- your hair and forehead I think. Family think you look just like your cousin Haylee. I think you look just like you! You're amazing, and I love you "A Big One" (as you say).

I love you (A Big One),

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